How To Order
The purpose of this page is to help you place an order on ours website. For more information, please read the FAQ’s page or click on Contact to send us an email.
Site Navigation
Ours website is best view using 800 x 600 resolution.
When you click to Enlarge a thumbnail, a pop up window will show an enlarge image. In order to view enlarge the image you will have to disable any pop up prevention software that you are using.
When adding a DVD to the shopping cart, a window also will pop up to confirm the selection.
Find A Product
The best way to find a DVD quickly is to type the name of the DVD in the Search box on the top right of the site and click Search.
For a more powerful search, you can also use the advance search feature by click on the search tab next to the contact tab on top and bottom of the page. Here you have option to search within product descriptions and list your search results by price (Low to High) or (High to Low) and also have the ability to list products by name from A to Z or Z to A.
Shopping Cart
Shopping on BuyCheapDVD.COM is very simple. Click add to cart button or click on the image or title of the DVD you like, this will show a long description and the thumb nail image which allows you to click on to bring up a larger image in a new window, next click on the add to cart button. This will put the item into your shopping cart. Anything in the shopping cart can be easily changed and removed later.
Checking out
Once you have completed shopping and you wish to checkout you must click on your shopping cart to view and confirm the contents of your cart before beginning the checkout process. If you are the first time customer you will be asked to register with us, by register you will be able to come back and check the status of your order later. If you do not wish to, please skip this process. If the cart is correct you must click the button to proceed to the next step. At the end you will be provided with a reference number and the ability to print a copy of your order. All orders will be processed on the same date payment is approved.